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How to Shoulder the Turkey Spirit - Friday Live with Chantelle & Cara.

Writer's picture: Chantelle FrenchChantelle French

This week, we’re excited to welcome special guest Cara Elliott, and we’re shaking things up with a slightly different format. We dive straight into an energetic healing treatment, beginning with the shoulders. The synergy between Chantelle and Cara, a Light Language expert, creates a powerful session. There’s a wealth of healing and information addressing various aspects of the body, mind, and soul. Towards the end, Chantelle delves into the bioenergetics of the shoulders and their associated emotions and also explores the significance of the Turkey Spirit.

This week's guest is:

Cara Elliott

  • The Healing House NZ/AU

  • Soul | Life Coach

  • Spiritual Mentor

  • Light Language Activator

  • Training Facilitator, PSYCH-K® and ThetaHealing™ Practitioner,

  • Energy Healer, Author and Speaker.


The Bioenergetic of the Shoulders

Carrying the world on your shoulders, Holding onto too much strain, stress and worry. Feeling insecure, unsure, frightened, overwhelmed, sad, rejected, distrustful and discouraged. Easily hurt,

Droopy Shoulders indicate a lack of joy and fun, seriousness, focusing on problems rather than solutions.

Frozen Shoulders (Muscles): Not Shouldering Your Responsibility

  • Left Shoulder: Guilt is stopping you from being responsible for understanding yourself so that you can just be yourself. (Spiritual)

  • Right Shoulder: Guilt is causing you not to take responsibility for gaining for yourself from whatever you do. (physical)


Emotions to work with: Stress, Worry, Fear, Overwhelm, Hut

NES Health (Energy4Life) - Energy Points

ER-39 (EI-10: Shoulder Joint Field)

Energy blocks within the shoulder field and the heart protector meridian.

Body-mind associations for the shoulders suggest they represent our capacity to shoulder our responsibilities easily. Problems in the shoulders often indicate that we feel overburdened and overwhelmed. Tension is usually carried in the shoulders when we do something we would instead not do or feel we have too much to do. Painful shoulders may suggest a resentment of the responsibility we feel we have and pressure to act in a certain way.

ER-67 (EI-1: Shoulder and Arm Field)

Energy blocks in the shoulder and arm field and large intestine meridian.

Body-mind associations for the shoulders suggest they represent our capacity to shoulder our responsibilities easily. Problems in the shoulders often indicate that we feel overburdened and overwhelmed. Tension is often carried in the shoulders when we are doing something we would rather not do or when we feel that we have too much to do. Painful shoulders may suggest a resentment of the responsibility we feel we have and pressure to act in a certain way.

Mind Body Associations:

ER-67 (CMH: Shoulder and Arm)

Keynote: Burdened

A past emotional shock or conflict which involved being burdened with something. The burden may be something that had to be done physically (e.g., heavy load to carry) or could be mental (e.g., private or shocking knowledge not to be divulged) or emotional (e.g., support another's emotional needs).

Affirmation: I am free to release past ties and move effortlessly forward into a new future.


Meridians which are going through the shoulder and down the arm to the fingers are:

  • Lung

  • Pericardium

  • Liver

  • Small Intestine

  • Heart

  • Triple Burner - San Jiao (Fire Element)

  • Yang Linking Vessel (Yang Wei Mai)

Virtual Needle:

M-UE-48 (Jianqian) - front of shoulder

Actives qi, blood, and benefits the shoulder joint

Indications: Stiffness and pain of the anterior of the shoulder, numbness, paralysis and immobility of the shoulder joint

Oracle Card:

Turkey Spirit

"Give with gratitude and grace."

Pack: Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Barron-Reid


  • Book:

    • Segal, I. (2007). The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness. Blue Angel Gallery.

  • Website:

  • App:

    • Visual Acupuncture. (n.d.). Visual Acupuncture. Available on the App Store and Google Play.

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