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Divine Connection & the Thymus Gland

Writer's picture: Chantelle FrenchChantelle French

Are you holding onto false beliefs or struggling with integrity? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by nervous stress, tension, or worry? Is it hard to take responsibility for your actions, or do you tend to play the victim? Perhaps you feel unhappy, vulnerable, tired, or emotionally unstable. All of these experiences are connected to the Thymus Gland.

Friday Live Session

Today's session covers the Thymus Gland from a bioenergetic and spiritual perspective. In the group treatment, I cleared and activated the Thymus and then worked on the five elements of Wood: liver/Gallbladder and T9/T10 Spine Points. Then, The Fire Element, Paricardium—heart protectors—was added, along with the higher heart chakra and the energetic cavities of the chest centre (lung, Heart, Thymus), T5 Spine points, and throat chakra. I cleared distortions using Phoenix Light and Blue Light.

See below for more information on the Thymus Gland and how it affects our Immune System and the tips/tricks to activate the Thymus Gland.

The Thymus Gland

Located beneath your breastbone, the thymus is a two-lobed organ close to your heart and serves as the master gland of your immune system. It holds the key to helping your immune system distinguish between self and non-self, guiding when to react and when to tolerate (a crucial function for managing allergies and immune responses).

At the "school" of the thymus, T-lymphocyte cells (or T-cells) learn to protect your body. Some become killer cells, others become helpers or suppressors, controlling different aspects of your immune response. Only 2% of these cells pass the rigorous training, as the rest are weeded out for being too weak or too strong—thus ensuring your immune system doesn’t overreact or underperform. The thymus plays a critical role in childhood and diminishes with age, especially when neglected or subjected to chronic stress.

In many spiritual traditions, the thymus governs the flow of life energy through the body's meridians, helping balance the brain hemispheres and keeping you centered, both physically and mentally. Hans Seyle, the researcher who discovered the fight-or-flight response, noted that stress causes the thymus to shrink. Chronic stress, hate, fear, and hopelessness can drastically shrink the thymus, even halving its size in just 24 hours. On the other hand, positive emotions like love, gratitude, and faith can energize the thymus, boosting immunity and healing.

The thymus is also linked to the Higher Heart Chakra, often called the "seat of the soul." This chakra is associated with unconditional love, spiritual growth, and great immunity. The Thymus Chakra connects you to your divine purpose and karmic awareness, guiding the transformation of darkness into light and helping you realize unconditional love and spiritual consciousness. It acts as a bridge between your emotions and their expression, governing your ability to process and communicate your feelings effectively.

The Thymus, or the Higher Heart Chakra, is where the intent is associated with the works that are formed and about to be expressed after an emotion is felt. For example, you score a distinction in every subject, and you feel happy (emotion). You want to express this emotion or your happiness with words; this is when a particular energy rises to the Throat and then passes through the Thymas Chakra, where preparing what to speak begins by drawing or taking a breath. Similarly, the act of stropping the breath to prevent talking when a certain emotion is felt is controlled by the Thymus Chakra. Hence, if you notice, we often don't say or express words, even if they are on the tip of the tongue.

When this chakra is balanced, you can align with your higher purpose, strengthen your immune system, and cultivate love and compassion. Tapping into the energy of the Thymus Chakra can be a powerful way to support both your physical and spiritual well-being.

  • Higher Heart Charka (Thymus Chakra_ = Connection to the divine

  • Color: Aquamarine

  • Five Element: Air & Fire

  • Govens: Nerves, Lungs, Breath, Immune Function

  • Endocrine Gland: Thymus

  • Sense: Touch & Feel

  • Principle: Karmic awareness

  • Function: to bring the transformation of darkness to light. To reveal the soul

  • Objective: To build a strong immune system. To Realise unconditional love and spiritual awareness

  • Frequency: 352.0Hz


Light Therapy:

Close your eyes. Tune into your thymus gland. Become aware of any density or heaviness stored there. Using the orange flame of light visualise dissolving all density and tenison from your thymus.

The Thump:

To improve your thymus gland, concentrate on it and smile. The more you smile and the happier you are the better your thymus will work. Now, think of something that makes your laugh or feel really happy and smile again. To help stimulate your thymus futher, place two fingers ontop fo the thymus and tap 15-20 times, while still smiling.

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